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Free Board (KOR)
Black Knight
2023-05-15 21:43
I finished Black knight in one go and I have to write what I thought of it!
A waste of talent ...
I mean, in itself it was very good! But with potential that I feel was wasted in so few episodes.
As a psychologist, I was intrigued by the insights present which, with more character development, I think would have made this drama even more interesting. Everyone's acting was excellent although I found Kim Woo less interesting than the others, and a bit static. While SSH's acting showed the maturity he has reached and his ability for complex roles. Note of credit to young Kang yoo. Actually all the scenes were very good, very good indeed! But it was like there was no glue between them. The scenes disappeared without leaving me time to savour the huge emotional content the scene contained. The really interesting part of the plot is the introduction of the love-hate conflict between father and son, with some insights : -Ryu's inability to get out of a love-sick relationship with his father and on the other hand his irrepressible desire for rebellion and metaphorically the need to 'kill his father' (overcoming him and taking away what he had built); -the reference to the Oedipus myth (and the Oedipus complex) but made more painful, because faced with the father's inability to understand the son's desire to be recognised, this unsatisfied desire for recognition is dramatically transformed into a real death, albeit carried out by a hitman (minister of justice). How much potential there is in this idea of a father who intervenes to save humanity, but to the detriment of his paternal role and without realising, except superficially, that it is he himself who has provoked this situation: not because of an alleged similarity (my son is like me, he claims in the film) but because of a parental lack of abandonment: the father, caught up in his sense of guilt, has totally forgotten about his son on whom he throws his unresolved problems, instead of protecting him. A son who in his loneliness (I would say existential, the illness is a symbol of this) despite his unworthy actions, I never totally disliked him and not only because he was played by SSH 🙂 but also because from a human, social and family point of view, events chain together dramatically and responsibilities should sometimes be better distributed. In this sense it reminded me of The Karamazof Brothers in which the father in his selfishness generates hatred in his children. One of these (Ivan) desires and theorises the death of his father (Ryu fights to symbolically possess his father's company and does everything he can to keep it alive, for example by polluting, perhaps because the only thing that really binds him to his father) but it is Smerdjakov (the Minister of Justice) who carries out the heinous act ...
In short, enormous potential, good actors, but it was like seeing an incomplete plot ... another example of very interesting intuition is when Ryu, wounded for the umpteenth time by his father, goes and kills a young man apparently out of sheer cruelty ... a key passage in the understanding of the formation of the heinous gestures was as if thrown in there, at random, without understanding its potential as a symbol of a pain which in a chain invests innocents and which, in a certain way, we know where it arrives but we do not know where it started from ...
I would have other examples but I will finish here ... I liked the setting as if everything was muffled by the pain, too great, too immense, too much ... a pain so immense that not even the joy for the life of young adolescents can scratch it ... Could it really be that we humans end up like this? Perhaps we really had better start asking ourselves that question.
Returning to the Karamazof brothers' book, it seems to me that the moral might be similar ... we are all responsible for what happens ...
Ryu collaborates, then, with the murderer of his father, giving a sort of approval of that act and not understanding that not confronting his inner demons (it takes courage) has created the trap in which he has fallen ... In short beautiful, interesting ... engaging …
I conclude by thanking SSH for giving us all another wonderful recitation. Thanks
A waste of talent ...
I mean, in itself it was very good! But with potential that I feel was wasted in so few episodes.
As a psychologist, I was intrigued by the insights present which, with more character development, I think would have made this drama even more interesting. Everyone's acting was excellent although I found Kim Woo less interesting than the others, and a bit static. While SSH's acting showed the maturity he has reached and his ability for complex roles. Note of credit to young Kang yoo. Actually all the scenes were very good, very good indeed! But it was like there was no glue between them. The scenes disappeared without leaving me time to savour the huge emotional content the scene contained. The really interesting part of the plot is the introduction of the love-hate conflict between father and son, with some insights : -Ryu's inability to get out of a love-sick relationship with his father and on the other hand his irrepressible desire for rebellion and metaphorically the need to 'kill his father' (overcoming him and taking away what he had built); -the reference to the Oedipus myth (and the Oedipus complex) but made more painful, because faced with the father's inability to understand the son's desire to be recognised, this unsatisfied desire for recognition is dramatically transformed into a real death, albeit carried out by a hitman (minister of justice). How much potential there is in this idea of a father who intervenes to save humanity, but to the detriment of his paternal role and without realising, except superficially, that it is he himself who has provoked this situation: not because of an alleged similarity (my son is like me, he claims in the film) but because of a parental lack of abandonment: the father, caught up in his sense of guilt, has totally forgotten about his son on whom he throws his unresolved problems, instead of protecting him. A son who in his loneliness (I would say existential, the illness is a symbol of this) despite his unworthy actions, I never totally disliked him and not only because he was played by SSH 🙂 but also because from a human, social and family point of view, events chain together dramatically and responsibilities should sometimes be better distributed. In this sense it reminded me of The Karamazof Brothers in which the father in his selfishness generates hatred in his children. One of these (Ivan) desires and theorises the death of his father (Ryu fights to symbolically possess his father's company and does everything he can to keep it alive, for example by polluting, perhaps because the only thing that really binds him to his father) but it is Smerdjakov (the Minister of Justice) who carries out the heinous act ...
In short, enormous potential, good actors, but it was like seeing an incomplete plot ... another example of very interesting intuition is when Ryu, wounded for the umpteenth time by his father, goes and kills a young man apparently out of sheer cruelty ... a key passage in the understanding of the formation of the heinous gestures was as if thrown in there, at random, without understanding its potential as a symbol of a pain which in a chain invests innocents and which, in a certain way, we know where it arrives but we do not know where it started from ...
I would have other examples but I will finish here ... I liked the setting as if everything was muffled by the pain, too great, too immense, too much ... a pain so immense that not even the joy for the life of young adolescents can scratch it ... Could it really be that we humans end up like this? Perhaps we really had better start asking ourselves that question.
Returning to the Karamazof brothers' book, it seems to me that the moral might be similar ... we are all responsible for what happens ...
Ryu collaborates, then, with the murderer of his father, giving a sort of approval of that act and not understanding that not confronting his inner demons (it takes courage) has created the trap in which he has fallen ... In short beautiful, interesting ... engaging …
I conclude by thanking SSH for giving us all another wonderful recitation. Thanks
I put a translation from Italian (my beautiful language) to Korean (your beautiful language) hoping that it will be understandable because I do not, unfortunately, speak Korean. 검은 밤을 한 번에 끝냈고 그 소감을 써야겠어요!
재능 낭비 ...
내 말은, 그 자체로는 매우 좋았습니다! 하지만 너무 적은 에피소드에서 낭비되었다고 느끼는 잠재력이 있습니다.
심리학자로서 저는 더 많은 캐릭터 개발로이 드라마를 더욱 흥미롭게 만들었을 것이라고 생각하는 통찰력에 흥미를 느꼈습니다. 김우의 연기가 다른 배우들보다 덜 흥미롭고 약간 정적이라고 생각했지만 모든 배우들의 연기는 훌륭했습니다. 성시경의 연기는 그가 도달한 성숙함과 복합적인 역할에 대한 능력을 보여주었습니다. 어린 강유에게 공을 돌립니다. 사실 모든 장면이 아주 좋았어요, 정말 좋았어요! 하지만 그 사이에 접착제가 없는 것 같았어요. 장면이 담고 있는 엄청난 감정적 내용을 음미할 시간도 주지 않고 장면이 사라져 버렸죠. 줄거리에서 정말 흥미로운 부분은 아버지와 아들 사이의 애증 갈등이 몇 가지 통찰력과 함께 도입되는 부분입니다: -아버지에 대한 애증의 관계에서 벗어나지 못하는 류의 모습과 다른 한편으로는 억누를 수 없는 반항심과 '아버지를 죽이고 싶다'(아버지를 극복하고 아버지가 쌓아온 것을 빼앗고 싶다)는 욕구를 은유적으로 표현하고 있습니다; -오이디푸스 신화 (및 오이디푸스 콤플렉스)에 대한 언급이지만 인정 받고자하는 아들의 욕구를 이해하지 못하는 아버지의 무능력에 직면하여이 충족되지 않은 인정 욕구가 청부업자 (법무부 장관)에 의해 수행되었지만 실제 죽음으로 극적으로 변형되기 때문에 더 고통스러워졌습니다. 인류를 구하기 위해 개입하지만 아버지의 역할에 해를 끼치고이 상황을 초래 한 사람이 자신이라는 사실을 피상적으로 제외하고는 깨닫지 못한 아버지에 대한이 아이디어에는 얼마나 많은 잠재력이 있습니다 : 닮았다는 주장 때문이 아니라 (내 아들은 나와 닮았다고 영화에서 주장한다) 부모의 버림받은 부족으로 인해 죄책감에 사로 잡힌 아버지는 아들을 보호하는 대신 해결되지 않은 문제를 던진 아들을 완전히 잊어 버렸다. 그의 합당하지 않은 행동에도 불구하고 외로움에 빠진 아들 (실존 적이라고 말하고 싶습니다. 질병은 이것의 상징입니다), 나는 그를 완전히 싫어하지 않았고 그가 SSH가 연기했기 때문일뿐만 아니라 인간, 사회 및 가족의 관점에서 사건이 극적으로 연결되고 때로는 책임이 더 잘 분배되어야하기 때문에 그를 완전히 싫어하지 않았습니다. 이런 의미에서 그것은 이기심에 빠진 아버지가 자녀에게 증오를 불러 일으키는 카라 마조프 형제를 떠올리게했습니다. 이들 중 한 명(이반)은 아버지의 죽음을 욕망하고 이론화하지만(류는 아버지의 회사를 상징적으로 소유하기 위해 싸우고, 아버지와 자신을 진정으로 묶어주는 유일한 것이기 때문에 오염시키는 등 회사를 살리기 위해 할 수 있는 모든 일을 한다), 가혹한 행위를 실행하는 것은 스메르자코프(법무부 장관)이다.
요컨대, 엄청난 잠재력, 좋은 배우들이지만 불완전한 음모를 보는 것과 같았습니다 ... 매우 흥미로운 직관의 또 다른 예는 아버지에 의해 엄청나게 상처를 입은 류가 순전히 잔인 함에서 분명히 젊은이를 죽일 때입니다 ... 가혹한 제스처의 형성에 대한 이해의 핵심 구절은 마치 사슬에서 무고한 사람들을 투자하고 어떤면에서 우리가 도착하는 곳을 알고 있지만 어디에서 시작했는지 모르는 고통의 상징으로서의 잠재력을 이해하지 않고 무작위로 거기에 던져진 것처럼 보였다 ...
다른 예가 있지만 여기서 끝내겠습니다 ... 나는 모든 것이 너무 크고 너무 거대하고 너무 큰 고통에 의해 모든 것이 가려진 것처럼 설정이 마음에 들었습니다 ...
너무 거대해서 어린 청소년들의 삶에 대한 기쁨조차도 그것을 흔들지 못할 정도로 ... 카라마 조프 형제의 책으로 돌아가서 교훈이 비슷할 수있는 것 같습니다 ... 우리 모두는 무슨 일이 일어나는지에 대한 책임이 있습니다 ...
류는 아버지의 살인자와 협력하여 그 제스처를 일종의 승인하고 내면의 악마와 맞서지 않는 것이 (용기가 필요함) 그가 빠진 함정을 만들었다는 것을 이해하지 못합니다 ... 요컨대 아름다운 흥미로운 ... 포함 …